Fungalix Forte

Fungalix Forte was developed for the treatment and prevention of fungal nail infections.

This patented product has been effectively used and tested for over 12 years and has shown that it is effective in killing both fungi and yeasts. 

The spray is very easy and hygienic to use. Just spray the affected nail twice a day. Dries very quickly.

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Fungal Nails

Fungal infections can affect the whole body. It is normal for fungi to be present in and on the body alongside various bacteria.

It is only when a fungus begins to overgrow or penetrate the skin or nails though a trauma or opening, that it can become an infection.

Onychomycosis, also called Tinea unguium, is a fungal infection that affects the fingernails and toenails.

Fungal infections are known to take time to develop and infections can be too subtle to notice at first. 


According to the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM), Onychomycosis is an invasive fungal infection of the nails, regardless of the cause. The infection occurs on the fingernails or toenails and is responsible for about half of all nail abnormalities. The risk of this infection increases with age.

The cause of Onychomycosis are Dermatophytes and Non-Dermatophyte Molds (NDMs). The term Tinea Unguium is used for Onychomycosis caused by Dermatophytes. However, Tinea Unguium and Onychomycosis are often considered synonymous. In general, Onychomycosis is thus used for all fungal nails that are caused by both dermatophytes and NDM’s.

The estimated prevalence of Onychomycosis is greater than 10% in the general population and 40% in the elderly, probably due to a lower immune system, lower activity or the inability to maintain good foot care.

Currently the percentage in younger people is increasing due to food habits, sports and over use of water.

Research shows that the majority is caused by dermatophytes, while yeasts and NDM’s cause only about 10% of all onychomycosis worldwide.


Dermatophytes are fungi that require keratin for growth. These fungi can cause skin, hair and nail infections.

Dermatophytosis are referred to as ‘Tinea’ infections. Dermatophytes are the most common fungi in humans. They are filamentous fungi that can break down and use keratin as a nutritional basis.

Dermatophytes can be subdivided into the following three genera:

1. Trichophyton

2. Epidermophyton

3. Microsporum

The genus Trichophyton contains the highest number of species. The most common species are Trichophyton Rubrum and Trichophyton Mentagrophytes. The genus Epidermophyton contains only one species: E. Floccosum.


Non-Dermatophyte Onychomycosis (NDO) is caused by hyaline and dematiaceous filamentous fungi, commonly found as saprophytes or plant pathogens (plants and food). Unlike dermatophytes, they generally do not survive on keratin.

They live on the unkeratinized intercellular cement of the host tissue and must benefit from the previous keratin destruction by dermatophytes, trauma or other nail diseases or abnormalities. For this reason, they are sometimes considered to be secondary nail plate invaders.

Although the list of NDM species that are occasionally isolated from nails is quite long, only a few are regularly identified as true causes of Onychomycosis. These include Candida, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis spp., Fusarium spp., Acremonium spp., Aspergillus spp. and Scytalidium spp.


Who is at higher risk of fungal nail infections?

People are more likely to develop a fungal nail infection if they have the following problems:

1. Diabetes
2. Poor circulation
3. Over 65
4. Wear artificial nails
5. Go to public swimming pools
6. Have a nail injury
7. Have a skin injury around the nail
8. Have moist nails for an extended time
9. Have a weakened immune system
10. Are pregnant
11. Wear closed shoes (particularly plastic shoes)


How does Fungalix Forte Work?

Fungalix Forte treats the infection at the source, embedded in the nail’s matrix. The new cells of the nail are created in the nail’s matrix. Because Fungalix forte is active at the source it prohibits the fungus from infecting the new cells.

Fungalix Forte contains Sodium Benzoate which is commonly known as an added ingredient in the food industry.  Within the food industry it is mostly used as a preservative because of its fungi and yeast killing characteristics. The spray contains D-limonene to calm the skin and Provitamin B5 to enhance the elasticity in the nail for better growth.

  • Do not use in case of an allergy to any of the ingredients
  • Not to be used by children under the age of 3
  • Do not spray in the eyes
  • Do not swallow
  • Discontinue in the event of irritation
  • Store at room temperature
  • Keep out of reach of children; product should be administered by an adult
  • Do not use after the best before date
  • Do not use in case of Paronychia (infections of the cuticle)
  • Seek medical advice before combining the product with other topical medication 
  • If symptoms persist, seek medical advice


Foot & Nail Care

Fungalix Forte
